The BCGA is proud to announce our newest aviation Scholarship. Dr. Harshbir Toor is not only a BCGA member and pilot but he also runs the Aviation Medical Clinic at Boundary Bay Airport .
Thanks to Dr. Toor, we are pleased to announce the “Onkarbir Singh Toor Memorial BCGA Scholarship”. This scholarship will be awarded at the BC Aviation Council’s silver wings awards gala in October.
The Onkarbir Singh Toor Memorial BCGA Scholarship was created as a way to recognize the perseverance of a pilot or student pilot that has overcome adversity. The scholarship is to be used to further the recipients aviation education or flight training towards basic or advanced licenses or ratings.
The application deadline for BCGA scholarships and bursaries is June 30th. For more information on all BCGA scholarships please visit the BCGA Awards & Scholarships Page