Update From Ben (BCGA Kootenays Director)

The Grand Forks, BC (CZGF) airport courtesy car is back on the road for the summer, and will be available for use by visiting pilots through October.  The car is provided by the Grand Forks Flying Association (COPA Flight 62), and a small donation of $20 is requested per use.
A few weeks ago I happened to be passing through Princeton (CYDC) and noticed that their courtesy car program is also still in effect.

For anyone who plans to fly in to Grand Forks (CZGF), please note that we now have NavCanada webcams:  http://www.metcam.navcanada.ca/dawc/lb/cameraSite.jsp?lang=e&id=197

For those who fly in the Southern BC interior, the Nelson Pilots Association (CZNL) has an excellent webcam page that lists webcams from around the area in a single place.  This is a helpful flight planning tool.  http://www.nelsonpilots.ca/webcams

The Grand Forks Flying Association will hold our annual fly-in event on Sunday August 27, with a potluck dinner and a movie on Saturday night.  Under the wing campers welcome.

In addition to the annual fly-in event, Grand Forks will be hosting a “Canada 150 Airshow” on July 19th.  The show will feature the Snowbirds, the Skyhawks, and Bud Granley.  Obviously the airport will be closed by NOTAM during show hours (aprox. 1300-1800 local time) so be sure to check the NOTAM before flying in for the show.