Call For Nominations for BC/Yukon COPA Director Position

COPA Board of Directors Election 2018

Message From The BCGA: 
Have you ever been at your local airport or flying club and heard the sentiment that we need to get “young” (relative term) people or women involved in general aviation? Now is your chance!

Consider nominating someone or yourself for the 2018 COPA Director elections.

There are two positions available for BC/Yukon and now is your chance to give back to the community and make a difference. Over the past few years COPA has become much more progressive and truly values the input given by its members and directors. Consider throwing a name in the hat for the COPA election and start making a difference in General Aviation that will last generations.

​COPA is no longer the old boys club that it used to be and you do not need to be an aircraft owner to be a member or a director. ​Nominations Close February 8th 2018. 

Every two years half of the positions on the COPA Board of Directors are up for election.  In 2018 a total of seven positions representing the following regions will need to be elected:

Quebec (2 positions) – currently held by Jean Messier and Jonathan Beauchesne
Southern Ontario (3 positions) –currently held by Phil Englishman, Conrad Hatcher and Cheryl Marek
British Columbia & Yukon (2 positions) – currently held by Joe Hessberger and 1 vacant position
Any COPA member in good standing may run for a position in the region in which they live.  If you have a passion for general aviation and feel you have something to contribute to COPA both on the Board and as a regional representative, please consider volunteering for this very important work.  The term of office for this election shall commence at the summer Board meeting in June 2018 and continue until the summer Board meeting in 2022. Nominations for these seven positions are now being accepted. 

  • The deadline for receiving nominations is Thursday, February 8th, 2018.  Candidates will be announced in the March COPA Flight and on the website.
  • The election will close on Monday, April 2nd, 2018.  Ballots will be counted and results will be announced in the May COPA Flight magazine and on the website.
  • Based on the new Canadian Governance rules for no-for-profit guidelines, the slate of Directors elected in the regions will be presented to the COPA membership for ratification at the Annual General Meeting on June 23th.

Candidates should:

  • have a strong belief in COPA’s mission
  • have a passion for aviation
  • have a high standard of personal ethics
  • want to make a lasting contribution to general aviation
  • be able to spend a minimum or 15 days per year on COPA business (at three Board meetings per year and at regional events)
  • have ready access to email for Board communications

Nominations for a Director must be made in writing by at least five voting members from the same region (defined as paid-up regular members, their family members and persons designated by corporate members when they applied for membership).

Completed nomination forms must be received at the COPA office by 12:00 noon on Thursday, February 8th, 2018. 

  • You can mail the form below to COPA, 75 Albert Street, Suite 903, Ottawa, ON K1P 5E7
  • fax it to 613-236-8646 or
  • email the same information to [email protected]

A list of candidates will be published in the March COPA Flight, along with information about the candidates and instructions on how to vote.

Members will be able to vote online.  Alternatively, members will be able to request that a paper ballot be mailed to them.

In order to provide voters with comparative information on candidates, nominees will be requested to complete a candidate questionnaire and a 200 to 300 word biography, both which are to be submitted with the nomination form.
Facts to be included in the nominee’s bio:

  • Flying experience and currency
  • Aircraft ownership if any
  • COPA Flight or flying club affiliations
  • What is your main reason for wanting to be a COPA Director?
  • What is the single most important skill you feel you can bring to the Board?

 Consider who you would like to see representing you on the Board and nominate them today, or if you would like to run yourself find a few members to nominate you.  Don’t hesitate.  COPA needs good people to pursue its mission.
      The COPA mission:  To advance, promote, and preserve the Canadian freedom to fly.
 Nominee biography/platform: 
​Please include the candidate questionnaire, and in 200 to 300 words, a biography from the nominee that will be helpful to COPA members casting ballots in an election.

Interested candidates who wish to request an information package about being a COPA Director can email or call Tanya Storing, Manager Administration at 613-236-4901 ext. 110 or [email protected]

Nomination Forms

Candidate Biography Form
File Size:222 kb
File Type: docx

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Candidate Questionnaire
File Size:39 kb
File Type: docx

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COPA Director Nomination 2018 Form
File Size:25 kb
File Type: docx

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