Foreflight Webinar For Canadian Pilots

This live webinar event was hosted on May 5th 2016. It is an advanced, scenario-based course on flying with ForeFlight Mobile. Dominik focuses on VFR features of the app from a Canadian perspective. You will learn how to use the app to its fullest from planning to inflight navigation. Pilots at any level are welcomed, however this course is beyond beginner level and is geared towards pilots who have at least some working knowledge of the app.

Your presenter is Dominik Ochmanek. Dominik is a Transport Canada certified Multi IFR flight instructor, and a graduate of Western University’s Commercial Aviation Management program. He has worked for two of Canada’s major airlines and is now actively instructing in the Greater Toronto Area. Dominik is a member of ForeFlight’s Pilot Support Team specializing in Canadian content.

This webinar session was hosted by Foreflight and the Canadian Owners & Pilots Association