

Mission Statement

The Mission of the B.C. General Aviation Association is to make British Columbia more accessible to general aviation and to foster the camaradarie and sense of adventure that we all crave as we take to the skies.

Objectives of the B.C. Aviation Association

  • To promote general aviation in British Columbia to pilots and non-pilots
  • To bring aviators from across the province together and build camaraderie between pilots
  • To make more of British Columbia accessible to General Aviation
  • To encourage education and safety in flight
  • To advocate for British Columbia’s pilots

Benefits of Membership

  • Get UN-RESTRICTED access to members only content of BCAviation.ca
  • Access to the BC General Aviation Facebook Community
  • Use your BCGA membership card and for exclusive member discounts.
  • Receive email updates outlining upcoming events & news.
  • Attend BCGA events and training programs.
  • Connect with other pilots in your area.
  • Support, promote and improve recreational aviation in B.C.
  • We are adding more benefits all the time…

Official Address

British Columbia General Aviation Association, #45-18300 Ford Road, Pitt Meadows, BC, V3Y 0C6