BCGA Pass it Forward Classifieds Now Open

New BCGA Pass It Forward Classifieds Page

The Pass it Forward page is a place for pilots to help the next generation of pilots by listing any flying or aviation gear like headsets, flight bags, flight planning tools, text books etc. that they would like to pass forward to new aspiring aviators to give them a leg up in hopes that their money can be spent on avgas and perusing the dream of flight. This is also a great way for new pilots to meet some more experienced pilots and hopefully keep in touch throughout their learning journey.


– Items must be in good and serviceable condition. If you would not pass it on to your own children or family then please do not list it.
– Items listed in the Pass it Forward page are at no charge to the recipient.

– Recipients should be young and/or new aviators that have a genuine need for the items listed on this page.
– Please do not claim or collect items on this page for the simple fact that they are free.
– Only claim items that you will actually get some use out of.
– Any items that you receive from this page should be passed forward when you are done at no cost to the next recipient.